External Provider Guidelines 2022
Strathfield North Public School is committed to providing innovative, quality learning programs that cater to individual student needs by maintaining strong links with families and External Providers to ensure information and strategies that provide support, partnerships and best outcomes for each individual student.
Considerations for approval for therapists/External providers at Strathfield North Public School
We have a responsibility to ensure that there is compliance with legislative requirements and DoE policy.
Context of the site/class
Individual needs of the student and alignment with PLSP goals
Impact on the student and on other students in the class
Risk Management and other Work, Health and Safety considerations
Supervision of students and service providers
Resources e.g., suitable space, human resources
Child Protection legislation:
Supervision and duty of care requirements:
Confidentiality and Privacy concerns:
Work Health and Safety:
Emergency procedures
Safe work practices
Communication and Collaboration: