Classroom program
Strathfield North Public School ensures that all students participate in 150 minutes of physical activity each week. Years 3 to 6 engage in a weekly lesson with our specialist PE teacher who focuses on consolidation and application of skills through sports and games. Students in Kindergarten to Year 2 participate in grade PE lessons which focus on fundamental movement skills and an introduction to sports. All students participate in dance after lunch on Wednesday and skipping after lunch on Thursday.
Friday School Sport Program
Students not attending PSSA will be a part of the Friday School Sport Program. This runs on Friday afternoons and students participate in a range of sports which help students to develop skills and try out for a PSSA team the following year.
We have developed partnerships with Briars Sports Club so that students can learn to play lawn bowls with volunteer coaches. Students have the option to participate in Friday Dance Sport. Students in Years 2 to 6 can elect to be a part of the Learn to Swim program at Cabarita Pool on Friday afternoons starting in September through to December.
We have also developed a partnership with the Australian College of Physical Education where PDHPE student teachers teach weekly sports lessons to students not involved in any of the optional programs in Terms 1 and 2.